by NRWA President | Feb 3, 2022 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, LinkedIn Profile Writing, Personal Branding
QUESTION: As a transgender person, how much LGBTQ community involvement and volunteer work is appropriate for a resume and LI profile? Should I disclose in the cover letter? v Mary Jo King, Alliance Résumé & Writing Service If your job target lies within the...
by NRWA President | Jan 5, 2022 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Job Searching Online, LinkedIn Profile Writing, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I have worked as many as three jobs at once over the years, some overlap. Should I list them all on my resume? Will overlap mess up the ATS system? v Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC Overlaps will not confuse ATS. Include the jobs that you feel will...
by NRWA President | Dec 6, 2021 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I’ve been using technology for many years. Should I list the older (outdated) programs on my resume or just those currently being used universally? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes Old technologies don’t do anyone any favors when no longer used....
by NRWA President | Dec 1, 2021 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Job Searching Online
QUESTION: I just read that resumes should be submitted with 1–4 days of posting and between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. Is this good advice? v Nancy Grant, Regional Career & Employment Services For most employers, review of resumes and selection of candidates to interview...
by NRWA President | Nov 5, 2021 | Career Planning & Focus, Job Searching, Job Searching Online, Personal Branding, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I’m applying for computer technology jobs. What do I need to know to write an effective resume? v Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC An effective hi-tech resume is customized for the specific job-posting and uses a chronological format. Hi-tech managers...
by NRWA President | Oct 1, 2021 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Job Searching Online
QUESTION: What’s the best way to find the right recruiter to help me in my job search? v Angela Watts, MyPro Resumes There are different types of recruiters: corporate (internal), agency (external), retained (executive search). Corporate folks are focused on...