How can I make my resume stand out from a sea of applicants?

How can I make my resume stand out from a sea of applicants?

QUESTION: How can I make my resume standout when there are already over 500 applicants?   v||divi||400 Laura Fontenot, Masterwork Resumes My advice for clients worried about stiff competition is the same as for those facing only a few other applicants: write...
Should you include your address on your resume?

Should you include your address on your resume?

QUESTION: Should I put my address on my resume?   v Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC Remote work and relocating for jobs are both very common. Also, companies don’t need your address until they decide to hire you. Some companies use address info to eliminate...
Am I sending red flags by updating my LinkedIn profile?

Am I sending red flags by updating my LinkedIn profile?

QUESTION: Does updating my LinkedIn profile send a red flag to my current employer?   v Jonathan Estreich, Natfluence It’s perfectly acceptable to refresh your profile. In fact, it’s smart career management. The key is subtle, routine...