cartoon figure running on hamster wheel

QUESTION: I have worked as many as three jobs at once over the years, some overlap. Should I list them all on my resume? Will overlap mess up the ATS system?

Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

Overlaps will not confuse ATS. Include the jobs that you feel will demonstrate your work ethic and skills that are transferable to the roles for which you are applying. If the jobs are part-time survival jobs that you took to fill a gap or to pay the bills, include them. Employers understand the economy and the need to pay bills.

Robin Schlinger, Robin's Resumes

Most ATS will interpret overlapping dates correctly. Your strategy on including (and how to include) the jobs depends on your career/job goals, story, job history, and accomplishments. I recommend also considering how you will protect yourself during a background check. Depending on the type of jobs (freelance, contractor, or temporary), you may be able to combine them into one position.

Amber Barney

Yes, list them all! Many people work multiple jobs at once; concurrent roles are not frowned upon on a resume. Just make sure your dates of employment are properly formatted– the safest route is MM/YYYY. An ATS is more focused on scanning your employment dates to establish the length of your tenure (and checking for any gaps in employment) rather than assessing how many jobs you’ve held at once.

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