QUESTION: I’ve been using technology for many years. Should I list the older (outdated) programs on my resume or just those currently being used universally?
Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes
Old technologies don’t do anyone any favors when no longer used. Stick to current, universally used technologies and emphasize the ones listed in the job posting on your resume. In a competitive market, employers invest in people who demonstrate a desire for continuous learning to keep their skills fresh versus those with outdated skills and a steeper learning curve.
Kiersten Troutman, Second Glance Résumés
I advise clients to keep their technology relevant. Just as the resume is a fluid document, the technology section should be progressive as well. Showcasing outdated technology might date you, and since it may not be widely used anyway, it would not be of help to you. Be choosy! Read through job descriptions to decipher what tech experience most are looking for in a candidate. Tailor accordingly.
Mary Jo King, Alliance Résumé & Writing Service
Take your content cues from target job posts. Some legacy technologies are still relevant today, but they aren’t necessary on your resume unless you see them in job post content. Be sure to include current technologies within your position descriptions, where ATS systems will count the years of experience you have with them. You can add older technologies in abundance to your LinkedIn profile.
Tessa Barlow, DFW Resume
Norine Dagliano, ekm Inspirations
Laura Smith-Proulx, An Expert Resume
Listing older technologies on your resume can make you appear behind the times. Pick a short interval (such as 5 years back) as your cutoff date for showing applications you’ve used or developed. This can also show how you’ve transitioned to emerging technologies or updated company practices to reflect the new solutions – and illustrate your role in digital transformation.
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