by NRWA President | Mar 6, 2023 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Interview Tips, Job Searching, Personal Branding, Resume Writing
QUESTION: After 10 years in my industry, I am ready for a management role. How do I “sell” myself as manager-capable on my resume without the experience? v Stacie Fehrm, Stacie Writes Resumes Concisely describe your leadership skills in the profile summary....
by NRWA President | Mar 3, 2023 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Professional Networking, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I took an internship in college that was effectively an unpaid full-time job that directly aligns with the skills I use in my career. But it was for a church; I’ve been told I shouldn’t list it on my résumé for this reason. Is this true? v Lucie...
by NRWA President | Mar 1, 2023 | Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Professional Networking, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I’ve taken a few courses toward a bachelor’s degree but didn’t finish the degree. I’ve had a long and successful career in spite of this. How should I represent this foray into higher education on my résumé? v Cathy Lanzalaco, Inspire...
by NRWA President | Jan 3, 2023 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Fairs, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I am currently managing a family and working 50+ hours per week (thus the job search), how do I efficiently squeeze a job search into my already overcrowded schedule? v Amber Barney Search with PURPOSE! A targeted hour of search is better than 5 hours of...
by NRWA President | Nov 9, 2022 | Career Changing, Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I see September is Update Your Resume Month. Why should I bother? My current job is just fine. v Kaljah Adams, The Career Advising Hub You should update your resume because unforeseen circumstances can happen! I have worked with many clients who were laid...
by NRWA President | Jul 11, 2022 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Letters, Bios & Other Career Tools, Personal Branding, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I am an older worker recently laid off (can you believe it in this job market?!). Do you have some tips to overcome ageism? v Meg McCormick Your resume doesn’t have to outline every job you’ve ever held. For jobs you held 15+ years ago, use an...