by Ask the Experts NRWA | Sep 14, 2020 | Career Planning & Focus, Executive Job Searching, Personal Branding
QUESTION: What should I look for when targeting a company? v Camille Roberts, CC Career Services Start with the mission of the company. Research the people who work there–everyone from the CEO to the janitor–using Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook to...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Jun 10, 2020 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus
QUESTION: I was pursuing a promotion before the global pandemic. Now that I’m forced to work from home, how can I still go after the promotion? v Alana Henry, The Writique, LLC COVID-19 has certainly impacted the job market and our nation in ways we...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Nov 4, 2019 | Career Planning & Focus, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I had to take time off work for a year to support a close family member with health issues, should I mention this on my resume to explain the gap in employment? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes If you have an employment gap of 6+ months, address it...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Aug 26, 2019 | Career Changing, Career Planning & Focus, Resume Writing
QUESTION: If there are multiple different career directions I could take, do I really need to make a new resume for each job? v Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC Yes, you must definitely customize your resume for each position to which you apply. The competition is...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Apr 29, 2019 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Executive Job Searching, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I just received my master’s degree and would like to use it to get a higher paying role. How do I get employers to pay me what I’m worth with my new degree? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes An advanced degree is a great way to stand out...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Mar 25, 2019 | Career Planning & Focus, Job Searching, Personal Branding
QUESTION: I’ve heard people talk about how personal branding is important in a job search. How do I figure out what my own personal brand is? v Mary Jo King, Alliance Résumé & Writing Service Your personal brand is expressed by your way of going in the...