QUESTION: I was pursuing a promotion before the global pandemic. Now that I’m forced to work from home, how can I still go after the promotion?
Alana Henry, The Writique, LLC
COVID-19 has certainly impacted the job market and our nation in ways we couldn’t have anticipated. However, there are many tools we can use to advance our career goals. You can still update your résumé, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and apply for that promotion. There are great tools like Zoom, GoToMeeting, Join.me, and others that will allow candidates to interview. So, apply!
Jane Roqueplot, JaneCo's Sensible Solutions
Because you’re working, this means your organization still has the need to select the right person for the position you have as your goal. Perform your current responsibilities well. Show innovation and a desire to succeed. Continuing education appropriate for the new position may be valuable. If you believe you’re the best candidate for this promotion, don’t let this situation deter you.
Edwina Martindale
Make sure you continue to go the extra mile. Offer encouragement, help, and ideas to keep the company afloat/successful during the coronavirus disruption. Communicate with your office daily to help keep things moving smoothly and maintain as much normalcy as possible, which will support your colleagues and management. If there are steps to complete, consider this a great time to work on them!
Kelli Long, KG Workforce Solutions
Absolutely. Many companies are still hiring and promoting. Even if leadership is not in the position to make a hiring decision now, why wait to get your name in the hat? This is a great time to express your interest while demonstrating your leadership and adaptability. Be intentional. Don’t let this virus cost you an opportunity ¬– your competition is probably applying and so should you!
Alisha Brown, Alisha D Brown Career Consulting
Great question. I’d suggest reaching out to your supervisor to see where assistance may be needed. For instance, participating in a team to ensure all employees are up and running smoothly at home. This is also a great time to volunteer to review and update company policies. Performing outside of your normal duties in an abnormal situation speaks volumes.
Cheryl Minnick, University of Montana
Michele (McCann) Kelley, CareerPro, Inc.
Promotion? GO FOR IT! Working from home is the opportunity to author group emails that detail your ongoing contributions. These communications gain you visibility and credibility across your organization. Colleagues will now recognize you as a consummate professional that adapted seamlessly to change, and THRIVED in that change. These contributions must be included in your updated resume.
Paul Freiberger, Shimmering Careers
Tim Windhof, Windhof Communications - Career Services
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