by NRWA President | Jun 1, 2022 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Job Searching Online, Resume Design, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I’ve heard that the hiring processes for tech roles at FAAMNG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Google) is very different from those at other types of tech companies. What do I need to know in terms of preparing my resume and getting ready...
by NRWA President | Apr 4, 2022 | Career Changing, Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Executive Job Searching, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+
QUESTION: My company will be downsizing soon, and I know I’m going to get cut. HR says they’ll hire an outplacement firm to help us find a new job. Should I take advantage of this? v Virginia Franco, Virginia Franco Resumes All outplacement firms are not created...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Apr 12, 2021 | Career Goal Setting, Resume Writing
QUESTION: What exactly is a job target on my resume and why do I need one? I just need a job! v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes The #1 goal of a resume is to position you for your next career move. A job target is the title of the position you want to target...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Dec 18, 2020 | Career Changing, Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus
QUESTION: It has been suggested I take a career assessment before I start my next job search. What will be the value in that? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes Career assessments can help you understand your professional needs and target professions and...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Dec 16, 2020 | Career Changing, Career Goal Setting, Executive Job Searching, Job Searching Online
QUESTION: Any tips for applying for a job overseas? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes Employers rarely pursue candidates outside the country unless there’s a specific skill shortage. Leave your home address and phone number off the resume. Include the closest...
by Ask the Experts NRWA | Jun 10, 2020 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus
QUESTION: I was pursuing a promotion before the global pandemic. Now that I’m forced to work from home, how can I still go after the promotion? v Alana Henry, The Writique, LLC COVID-19 has certainly impacted the job market and our nation in ways we...