by NRWA President | Dec 9, 2022 | Career Tips, Job Searching, Resume Submissions, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I’ve targeted a company I really want to work for, so I’m applying for multiple jobs. Is that okay? Do I have to use the same resume or should I change it each time? v Lorraine Beaman, Interview2work LLC Customize your resume for each job to reflect an...
by NRWA President | Dec 7, 2022 | Career Tips, Job Searching, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I just saw a QR code on a resume. Should I be adding that—and for what purpose? v Paul Bennett, NOVA Career Strategies Adding a QR (Quick Response) code to your résumé enables whoever reads the document to quickly and easily access your online content. QR...
by NRWA President | Dec 5, 2022 | Career Tips, Job Searching, Resume Writing
QUESTION: How should my U.S. resume and cover letter differ if I decide to apply for jobs overseas? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes Familiarize yourself with your target country’s resume/CV guidelines. Leave your address off your resume UNLESS you have...
by NRWA President | Nov 9, 2022 | Career Changing, Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I see September is Update Your Resume Month. Why should I bother? My current job is just fine. v Kaljah Adams, The Career Advising Hub You should update your resume because unforeseen circumstances can happen! I have worked with many clients who were laid...
by NRWA President | Nov 7, 2022 | Formatting, Job Searching, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I need some help in my job search. Should I look for a career coach, a career counselor, or a career consultant? Is there a difference? v Nancy Grant, Regional Career & Employment Services For more customized help than a local workforce office offers,...