QUESTION: How do I write my LinkedIn profile if I’m open to multiple career directions?

Angela Watts, MyPro Resumes

This is one of the reasons that the resume has not yet become obsolete; you can make multiple versions of a resume, but not LinkedIn. The best route is to make LinkedIn specific to one direction and pursue those types of positions first. If you don’t find a role in that area, revise your profile for another direction and then apply in that area. Generic profiles are rarely received well.

Grant Cooper, Strategic Resumes & Business Plans

When using LinkedIn as a job search tool, it is important that you not appear needy. Quality recruiters who view profiles stating that you are “seeking opportunities” or “looking for work” will pass you over. The reason is that the best candidates are in a stable financial and employment status. It is perfectly acceptable to list several areas of proficiency and interest in your LinkedIn headline.

Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

When undecided on any one field, you must focus on your transferable skills. Include these skills in your headline and About Me section. In your About Me section and for each job-experience section, include accomplishments that illustrate the use of those transferable skills. And finally—start with WHY. If you display some passion for why you love using these skills, that will garner attention.

Lisa Rangel, Chameleon Resumes

Synthesize the varying job descriptions to utilize keywords from each in your profile when you have multiple career directions. Find the commonalities among the target jobs and highlight achievements from those common qualifications so the profile can have multiple purposes without looking too broad.

Rebecca Bosl, Dream Life Team

Look for the common theme between the multiple directions and talk about that as a strength, and then share the different ways that you act out that strength. For example, if you’re a marketing strategy consultant and a coach for small businesses, highlight that you help both large and small companies articulate and communicate their brand.

Annette Richmond, career-intelligence Resume Writing and Career Services

It’s difficult to address 3 unrelated career directions on LinkedIn. However, if you have 3 related areas the best spot to highlight them is in the About section. After a brief intro (a first-person account about you and maybe what drives you) you can add 3 headings (for example, Digital Marketing, Social Media, B2B Marketing) with related achievements below each heading.

Thomas Powner, Career Thinker, Inc.

You can only have one LinkedIn profile, a second one will destroy your networking value. Hopefully your career directions are not opposite, your LI should focus on your favorite target first, then infuse cross-functional skills, stories and industry keywords for the other positions. You can blend two goals in the headline and highlight your career diversity and expertise in the about section.

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