I submitted my resume. When should I expect interviews?

I submitted my resume. When should I expect interviews?

QUESTION: How many resumes should I expect to submit before I get an interview? And what is the timeline I should expect? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes No set number of resumes guarantees a job interview. The timeline varies based on the company’s hiring...
My company will be downsizing soon, and I know I’m going to get cut. HR says they’ll hire an outplacement firm to help us find a new job. Should I take advantage of this?

My company will be downsizing soon, and I know I’m going to get cut. HR says they’ll hire an outplacement firm to help us find a new job. Should I take advantage of this?

QUESTION: My company will be downsizing soon, and I know I’m going to get cut. HR says they’ll hire an outplacement firm to help us find a new job. Should I take advantage of this? v Virginia Franco, Virginia Franco Resumes All outplacement firms are not created...
Which LinkedIn privacy settings are important for me to consider when job hunting?

Which LinkedIn privacy settings are important for me to consider when job hunting?

QUESTION: Which LinkedIn privacy settings are important for me to consider when job hunting? v Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes 1) Turn OFF ‘Share profile updates with your network’ to prevent your connections from getting notified of profile changes;2) Turn ON...