by NRWA President | Jul 12, 2023 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, LinkedIn Profile Writing, Personal Branding
QUESTION: How do I set a LinkedIn vanity URL? Why is it important? v Cathy Lanzalaco, Inspire Careers Click the ‘Me’ icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Click ‘View profile. Click ‘Edit public profile & URL’ on the...
by NRWA President | Jul 10, 2023 | Career Changing, Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Military to Civilian Resumes, Resume Writing
QUESTION: How do I identify key experience from my military service to apply for a civilian role? v Grant Cooper, Strategic Resumes & Business Plans The military generates detailed personnel data that is helpful in constructing an effective military transition...
by NRWA President | May 5, 2023 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Job Searching Online
QUESTION: How can I find companies that are actually hiring? v Norine Dagliano, ekm Inspirations You’re looking at this the wrong way. Find companies who can benefit from someone with your skills and experience and then network your way into having a...
by NRWA President | Jan 3, 2023 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Fairs, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I am currently managing a family and working 50+ hours per week (thus the job search), how do I efficiently squeeze a job search into my already overcrowded schedule? v Amber Barney Search with PURPOSE! A targeted hour of search is better than 5 hours of...
by NRWA President | Nov 9, 2022 | Career Changing, Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I see September is Update Your Resume Month. Why should I bother? My current job is just fine. v Kaljah Adams, The Career Advising Hub You should update your resume because unforeseen circumstances can happen! I have worked with many clients who were laid...
by NRWA President | Jul 11, 2022 | Career Goal Setting, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips, Job Searching, Letters, Bios & Other Career Tools, Personal Branding, Resume Writing
QUESTION: I am an older worker recently laid off (can you believe it in this job market?!). Do you have some tips to overcome ageism? v Meg McCormick Your resume doesn’t have to outline every job you’ve ever held. For jobs you held 15+ years ago, use an...