Should I list all my education, including courses or certifications, or only the most relevant on my resume? LinkedIn?

QUESTION: Should I list all my education, including courses or certifications, or only the most relevant on my resume? LinkedIn?


Nancy Grant, Regional Career & Employment Services

Highlight your most relevant education or certification first so that it stands out. Then you can list additional information to compliment. However, don’t crowd your accomplishments by details that are irrelevant. Always include academic degrees if they are a minimal requirement of the position.

Cathy Lanzalaco, Inspire Careers

Clarity is key to making your LinkedIn profile impactful. Include degrees, certifications, and courses that are directly relevant to your career goals or showcase specialized expertise. Avoid listing every course or outdated training—too much information can distract from your core strengths. Focus on what adds value to your professional brand.

Laura Fontenot, Masterwork Resumes

The rule of thumb for any good resume is to stick with the most relevant information! New college grads should remove high school degree info and stick with only a handful of college courses and academic projects alongside their new college degree. If you’ve been in the workforce for a few years, be sure to remove those courses/projects! Relevant certifications are nearly always safe to list.

Jaime Chambron , Career Agility System

First, list all degrees to demonstrate that you meet Bachelors or Masters requirements. For certifications, I would only list ones that are relevant to the target role you are searching for next. I usually do not recommend listing courses, unless you are in a career pivot and you need to demonstrate some specific knowledge that neither your experience, degrees, nor certifications communicate.

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