smartphone screen with variety of social media images

QUESTION: How can social media help (or hinder) my job search?

Annette Richmond, career-intelligence Resume Writing and Career Services

Social media can help or hinder your job search. In 2018,  CareerBuilder found 70% of employers research candidates online. It’s not just inappropriate photos or drinking or drug use that turns them off. Discriminatory comments or badmouthing a boss or colleagues can be deal breakers. What helps is info that supports a candidate’s qualifications and shows their personality would be a good fit.

Kelli Long, KG Workforce Solutions

You can position yourself as an expert and demonstrate your knowledge through your social media content. You can also get a lot of exposure to potential employers and conduct research using social media. Just make sure your social media profiles are professional and clean of any controversial content, inappropriate pictures, negativity, etc.

Robert Rosales, EZ Resume Services

Social media is a powerful job search tool for both job seekers and companies looking for candidates like you. Social media displays your brand, shows your expertise, and conveys your value. On the flip side, a recent CareerBuilder survey reported that, 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process. Manage your online reputation carefully!

Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

Social media helps by making it easier for you to network. At many sites, you can learn about companies, join groups, and connect with people who could help you in your job search. It also makes it easier for you to be found, as companies are always searching online for candidates. You hurt yourself on social media when you present a confusing message or you don’t act professionally.

Regan Wilson, Best Play Consulting

Social media can be a powerful tool for your job search. Over 90% of recruiters claim to view social media profiles. Use it to your advantage! Make sure your public online presence enhances your career brand. Showcase the value you can add to future employers by highlighting your accomplishments.

Tip: Google yourself. If you don’t want a boss to see it, make it private or delete it!

Brenda Cunningham, Push Career Management, LLC

If you are consistent, clear, and skillful in your social media habits, social media can be a huge boost in your search. But you/me/we must post and react responsibly. No one has to have a neutral position on things, but steer clear of bashing alternative beliefs publicly, because employers will avoid negative, toxic behaviors for their workplaces. Keep this in mind as you voice your opinions.

Suzanne Rey, Rey Edwards Inc.

Over 80% of organizations and about 90% of recruiters use social media recruiting to find talent, especially on Linkedin because it is the largest professional social networking site with nearly 600M registered members and 260M monthly active users. In our digital world you must have a strong presence on social media or your odds of finding that dream job will be greatly diminished.

Jennifer Amy, ACS Human Development

It will depend on which platform we are referring to. LinkedIn is a powerful tool to highlight your skills, make connections and network and become visible to recruiters. I will encourage you to network four times a day, commenting, liking and sharing posts to make sure you increase your online presence. As per Facebook, Twitter, IG I will suggest never post anything political or controversial!

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