How can I improve my online presence to attract potential employers?

QUESTION: How can I improve my online presence to attract potential employers?


Tammy Shoup, Breakthrough Resume Writing Service

1. Audit your social media accounts to ensure consistency across all platforms.
2. Optimize your LinkedIn profile, showcasing your value, crafting a compelling headline, and highlighting key achievements.
3. Engage with your network by sharing relevant content and participating in industry discussions.
4. Seek recommendations that emphasize your impact and keep your profiles updated.

Donna Shannon, Personal Touch Career Services

Attracting employers on LinkedIn requires a multi-faceted approach. You need a keyword rich profile, a robust network of 200+ connections, involvement in groups, sharing quality content, commenting on other people’s posts, and following your top-choice companies. LinkedIn’s latest AI tools actually direct your opportunities on the platform based on all of these factors.

Robert Rosales, EZ Resume Services

LinkedIn is THE place to be online. Ensure your profile is “visitor ready” by including a professional photo, a keyword-rich headline, and a compelling summary highlighting your unique skills and value. Regularly share industry-relevant content, engage with posts, and connect with professionals in your target field. Remember that your profile should attract your target, not be a distraction!

Brenda Mariah, Push Career Management, LLC

Show up as consistently as possible. Consistency isn’t always a specific number of posts, but the content of what you put out there. Do your best to avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes (at least be sure they’re not rampant), and try to keep your content focused on what you want people to associate with you! If you are a customer service leader, make that the center of 90% of your posts.

Mary Jo King, Alliance Résumé & Writing Service

Highlight the ways you have brought change and innovation to your long-time employer, which can be documented not only in your résumé, but also in your cover letter and LinkedIn profile. Thinking and writing about problems you have solved, projects you have managed, relationships you have built, and technologies you have learned/used will help you articulate them in more detail during interviews.

Jaime Chambron , Career Agility System

There are a few items to clarify. First, make sure your headline is clear on what you do for whom, and the value you provide. Second, ensure your target job title is in the headline and recent jobs you have held. Third, highlight key skills recruiters may be searching for that you are an expert in. Lastly, you can leverage tools like to provide you further insight on changes.​


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