How much should I disclose about an old DUI (more than twenty years) to a prospective employer?

QUESTION: We’re back to some in-person interviews, what should I bring?

Carol Adams, Ideal Resumes, LLC

I suggest a simple black or blue pocket folder with several copies of your resume and references page, a small notebook, and a working (pre-tested!) pen. Interviews sometimes involve moving from one interviewer to another and not everyone will have a copy of your resume. Being able to whip it out on the spot shows that you’re organized and prepared. Same thing for the references page.

Grant Cooper, Strategic Resumes & Business Plans

Always bring the following items: (1.) Several additional hard copies of your resume, (2.) Several copies of your reference list, (3.) A copy of your “brag book” with samples of work, certificates, and publicity mentioning you, (4.) A pad for anything you need to notate, and (5.) Identification, in the event it should be requested.

Cathy Lanzalaco, Inspire Careers

Bring copies of your resume along with any work product or career marketing materials you may want to present during the interview. Have a list of your professional references in case you are asked for them. Most importantly, bring a warm smile, strong handshake, and the belief that you are enough, regardless of the outcome of the interview and go for it!

Nancy Grant, Regional Career & Employment Services

Always be prepared with a few copies of a nicely printed resumes stored in a simple portfolio that has some blank paper, a pen, and an extra copy of the job description. You might also want to have a clean copy of references to provide, along with some work samples if relevant. Finally, prepare some questions if you get stuck during the interview. And yes, bring a mask just in case.

Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

My brother-in-law flew to a city for a same-day interview. He had to gate-check his bag and the airline somehow lost his luggage. He had a pen, notebook, copies of his resume, a list of good questions to ask the interviewer, plus the casual clothes on his back. Fortunately, he also had a great smile and confidence in his ability to do the work. He got the job.

Thomas Powner, Career Thinker, Inc.

● Five extra copies of your resume; it might turn into a group interview.
● A huge smile, and positive attitude; we want to hire happy people.
● A firm handshake shows interest.
● A list of questions you might want to ask— I suggest 4–6; engagement is critical.
● A salary range you fit into, as that might be a critical question you want/need to get out of the way.

Christine Chelstrom, MN Job Partners

Have an emergency interview kit with comb, lint brush, mints, aspirin/Tums, and spot remover packets. Bring a professional briefcase/tote-bag with business cards, multiple copies of your resume/cover letter/reference page on resume paper, notebook/pen with questions to ask and for taking notes, portfolio, if applicable, and, more importantly, confidence. Smile and be yourself!

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