QUESTION: In my last interview, they asked which other companies I was interviewing with. How should I have answered?
Tammeca Riley, Infinite Potential Resumes
Consider providing general responses without specifically naming companies. For example, respond by stating, “similar companies in the industry” or “competitors.” Offering information on how many other companies you are interviewing with is also another angle to consider. For example, respond by stating, “3 other competitors.” These are acceptable and respected responses.
Deirdre Rock, Composed Career, LLC
Acknowledge that you are exploring other similar opportunities without getting into specifics while expressing your strong interest in the current opportunity. You can pull in a few key aspects of the role and why it appeals to you. This shows that you are a sought-after professional while positioning you as a motivated and interested candidate.
Paula Christensen, Strategic Career Coaches
Acknowledge the question without giving too much detail, “I am interviewing with a few other companies in the industry to find the right fit for my skills and career path. However, I am very excited about this opportunity because of [XYZ, ZYX, and ABC reasons].” Give two or three reasons why you are authentically drawn to with their position.
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Westminster, CO 80234
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