If I decide to contract with a professional resume writer, what should I be looking for? How about pricing?

QUESTION: If I decide to contract with a professional resume writer, what should I be looking for? How about pricing?


Crystal Johnson, Johnson Consulting Services LLC

Seek an expert who possesses deep industry knowledge, understanding the nuances of your field. The process should involve comprehensive consultations to extract your unique achievements and experiences. A well-structured, collaborative approach is key to crafting a standout resume. Pricing should be reflective of the level of customization required for your specific needs.

Tammy Shoup, Breakthrough Resume Writing Service

Choose a resume writer who will collaborate with you and who offers proof of wordsmithing skills and branding expertise on their LinkedIn profile and website along with direct client testimonials. While budget is important, selecting a service on price alone can lead to subpar results. Low-cost providers may simply dump your information into a template format.

Donna Tucker, CareerPRO Resume Center

Although certification and experience are important to selecting a professional resume writer, your ability to communicate with the writer and your level of trust in the writer’s capability is tantamount. Pricing for professional resume writing services can vary depending on complexity of the job and level of service that you choose. Look for packages for best pricing; get multiple quotes.

Jane Roqueplot, JaneCo's Sensible Solutions

Hire the resume writer that makes you feel comfortable and gives you confidence you will be satisfied with his/her services. If your selection is based only on pricing, you may not be satisfied.

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If you’re looking for more information on how to write a great resume – or get an expert to help you with yours – you’ve come to the right place! This site was created by the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a US-based non-profit association with members from around the world who are dedicated to learning about and providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers.

The National Résumé Writers’ Association

12110 N. Pecos Street, Suite 220
Westminster, CO 80234

Thanks for checking out ResumeExperts.theNRWA.com! For more on our association and certification, see www.thenrwa.org