cartoon figure running on hamster wheel

QUESTION: How do I follow up with hiring managers? Should I resend my resume? Write another letter of interest? Make a phone call? I don’t want to seem like a pest.

Denise Bitler, Resume-Interview Success, LLC

During the interview, ask about the hiring process timeline so that you can determine the appropriate follow up intervals. Send a thank you email and LinkedIn connection request within one business day of the interview. If the hiring timeline is more than 2 weeks out, send a check-in email, reiterating your interest, at the halfway mark and follow up status inquiry emails weekly for up to 3 weeks.

Mary Jo King, Alliance Résumé & Writing Service

Your goal is to make a personal connection and establish top-of-mind recognition. I advise clients to immediately follow online applications with a snail-mail hard copy of resume and cover, and to follow that in 7-10 days with a phone call. Most employers appreciate the initiative demonstrated by diligent follow-up, particularly when the majority of candidates do nothing but wait to be contacted.

Cathy Lanzalaco, Inspire Careers

The squeaky wheel often gets the grease and for good reason – because they remain top of mind to the hiring manager while displaying interest in the job. A week after an interview is a good time to follow up. A brief email asking for an update or additional conversation is appropriate. You can become a pest if you have been given a firm timeframe for a decision and that deadline has not passed.

Laura Smith-Proulx, An Expert Resume

Apply the rule of 2, following up 2 more times after your application. Resend your resume, attaching a message describing your admiration for their business and how you plan to contribute to their success (via email), or a LinkedIn inquiry with a similar note (although shorter). Follow up 2 weeks later with a brief note before moving on – and keep your other job prospects in play no matter what.

Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes

Wait 1 week after applying. If you don’t hear anything, try these 5 strategies to find the Hiring Manager’s contact info: 1) Check the job posting/company website; 2) Use LinkedIn to search for “Company name Hiring Manager”; 3) As friends/networking contacts; 4) Create a FREE account to find professional company email addresses, and 5) Call the company and ask for the person’s name.             


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