I'm trying to interview for a job I tried and failed to get before. How do I handle a second chance?

QUESTION: What are the most common mistakes people make on their resumes that really make a difference in securing a job interview?


Jonathan Estreich, Natfluence

A common mistake is misalignment between your resume and online persona. Inconsistencies can deter employers, who cross-check platforms. Ensure your LinkedIn and professional sites complement your resume’s skills, achievements and tone. By managing your digital footprint, you can control the narrative. The result is a cohesive message that strengthens your brand, making you a compelling candidate.

Deirdre Rock, Composed Career, LLC

A critical mistake is not tailoring the content to the position. Resumes should be shaped based on your target position, using your experience and accomplishments to support the position requirements. Is it relevant? Ensure it aligns with the job. Is it impactful? Prioritize quantifiable achievements and results that demonstrate your value. Is it recent? Avoid including outdated information.

Donna Tucker, CareerPRO Resume Center

Oh, so many! That’s why a professional resume writer can be so helpful. First, be careful of typos and grammatical errors (includes any missing contact info). Then, try not to be generic in your presentation; there is a lot of competition, and you want to stand out from the others by demonstrating your unique brand / value to the hiring organization. Don’t say too much, though; keep it concise.

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If you’re looking for more information on how to write a great resume – or get an expert to help you with yours – you’ve come to the right place! This site was created by the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a US-based non-profit association with members from around the world who are dedicated to learning about and providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers.

The National Résumé Writers’ Association

12110 N. Pecos Street, Suite 220
Westminster, CO 80234

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