QUESTION: Why should I pay for a professional service when my friend in HR said he could create my resume?

Tom Powner, Career Thinker Inc.

It’s simple. Just because someone works in HR doesn’t mean they know recruiting. Hiring managers know what they prefer in a resume, but they can’t necessarily craft a keyword-optimized career document rich in quantitative achievements and featuring a modernized, ATS-friendly format that works in today’s competitive market. My friend manages a tire shop, but I wouldn’t have him rebuild my engine

Angela Watts, MyPro Resumes

I am a dual-certified HR professional and certified recruiter. While my HR background provides strong insight into hiring practices and technology, it doesn’t account for my strategic acumen, writing style and relevancy. Just as you study your field daily, we (resume writers) study our craft (articles, conferences, webinars and thought leadership) to continuously improve our value to clients.

Dr. Cheryl Minnick, University of Montana - Career Counselor/Academic Advisor

Why would you pay a professional hair colorist to color and cut your hair when your friend next door said she could style it for free …. same reason … quality, strategy and results.

Tim Windhof, Windhof Communications - Career Services

Let’s assume for a second that your HR friend is indeed as good in creating and writing resumes as he is in reviewing resumes. Is he really going to commit 8 to 10 hours on unearthing, developing, crafting, and refining your message? Or is there a slight chance that your most important career document is ending up with a well intended but quick 1-hour “face-lift?”

Cheryl Milmoe, Cardinal Expert Resumes

Resumes are future focused. Summary statements target your next job. Write tight; place keywords within powerful, result focused bullets. Objective statements are out; value statements in. Color & graphics enhance your story. Street addresses out; quotes from performance evals in. What I learned from becoming a credentialed resume writer after leaving HR was that I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Cathy Alfandre, Catherine A. Alfandre, LLC

You choose experts for health, family, and home…. Your career demands—and deserves—expert support too. Professional resume writers complete rigorous training and ongoing continuing education on best practices. Their resumes pass through pervasive applicant tracking systems, and they create language and format that “sell” their clients’ achievements and brand. Go professional and get results.

Gayle Keefer, TruMark Resumes

As professional resume writers, we stay current on the latest trends, ATS program constraints, understand the challenging concepts behind acquisition of that all-important interview. Though HR personnel understand key words used in job descriptions, they are not trained to brand a candidate that showcases their expertise.

Louise Kursmark, Best Impression Career Services, Inc.

The benefits of working with a professional resume writer go beyond “just” a good resume. You will gain CLARITY regarding your value, powerful LANGUAGE to use throughout your job search, and CONFIDENCE in what you have to offer. Your resume writer will take the time to uncover insights and success stories that will set you apart from the competition. Will your HR friend do all that for you?

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If you’re looking for more information on how to write a great resume – or get an expert to help you with yours – you’ve come to the right place! This site was created by the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a US-based non-profit association with members from around the world who are dedicated to learning about and providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers.

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