QUESTION: How can I stand out and be memorable in my interview?
Lisa Rangel, Chameleon Resumes
Approach the interview as a business partner equal to the interviewer who is evaluating if the job opportunity is a right match for you (the job seeker) and the employer. This subtle shift in perspective positions you as high value and not as someone seeking approval. This positioning combined with relevant achievement-focused stories will set you apart from other candidates.
Brenda Bernstein, The Essay Expert LLC
Jane Roqueplot, JaneCo's Sensible Solutions
Preparation! Invest in “Interview Prep” with an expert. Many career experts use communication/behavioral DISC assessments for preparing discussions on strengths, ideal environment and workplace value. You’ll learn about communicating with interviewers and others. Perceptions differ – valuable for the “weakness” question and proving your people-skills.
Angela Watts, MyPro Resumes
Laura Smith-Proulx, An Expert Resume
Provide well-thought out questions for your interviewers! Show immense interest in how you can help the company by readying questions about their operations, goals, and aspirations – demonstrating your readiness as a future participant in their success. You can also ask what qualities they seek in the optimum employee, then turn the tables by describing your fit as THAT candidate.
Demisha Jennings
Alana Henry, The Writique, LLC
Laurel Kashinn, Write Stuff Resources, LLC
Authenticity is key. That means to be aligned with your true self, with a quiet mind, calm inside, in the present moment. Able to listen and think. Authenticity can be practiced. It feels like appreciation, eagerness, and satisfaction. Lack of authenticity feels like fear, anxiety, or worry. If you’ve researched the company, know why you are interested, and are authentic, you’ll do great!
Katherine Bouglai, Blossom Career
Kelli Long, KG Workforce Solutions
Cathy Alfandre
1) As you prepare for an interview, craft 3-4 messages that you want to convey. These should include both your top “selling points” (how you add value) and your potential impact on THIS PARTICULAR organization. Practice getting these points across. 2) Tell stories that show off your best experiences and achievements. 3) Never underestimate the power of your smile, body language, and energy!
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If you’re looking for more information on how to write a great resume – or get an expert to help you with yours – you’ve come to the right place! This site was created by the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a US-based non-profit association with members from around the world who are dedicated to learning about and providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers.The National Résumé Writers’ Association
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