QUESTION: How can I stand out and be memorable in my interview?

Lisa Rangel, Chameleon Resumes

Approach the interview as a business partner equal to the interviewer who is evaluating if the job opportunity is a right match for you (the job seeker) and the employer. This subtle shift in perspective positions you as high value and not as someone seeking approval. This positioning combined with relevant achievement-focused stories will set you apart from other candidates.

Brenda Bernstein, The Essay Expert LLC

For better or worse, you will stand out by NOT making some common interview mistakes. Dress professionally, arrive on time, and be nice to the receptionist. Prepare, prepare, prepare – meaning research the company, know the background of your interviewers, and read the company website top to bottom. Answer questions directly and concisely. And write a thank you note!

Jane Roqueplot, JaneCo's Sensible Solutions

Preparation! Invest in “Interview Prep” with an expert. Many career experts use communication/behavioral DISC assessments for preparing discussions on strengths, ideal environment and workplace value. You’ll learn about communicating with interviewers and others. Perceptions differ – valuable for the “weakness” question and proving your people-skills.

Angela Watts, MyPro Resumes

Convey your unique value to this company. Prepare career stories that align with the characteristics and qualifications the company is seeking. Identify and practice methods for calming your nerves. While interviewing, smile, actively listen to the interviewer, answer questions completely and genuinely consider whether or not this role and organization are the right fit for you at this time.

Laura Smith-Proulx, An Expert Resume

Provide well-thought out questions for your interviewers! Show immense interest in how you can help the company by readying questions about their operations, goals, and aspirations – demonstrating your readiness as a future participant in their success. You can also ask what qualities they seek in the optimum employee, then turn the tables by describing your fit as THAT candidate.

Demisha Jennings

The best way to be memorable is to interview the potential employer as well. Oftentimes candidates go to interviews and do not fully engage with the interviewer. Keep in mind that the position/company must be a mutual fit. This means you should be asking thought provoking questions regarding the position and leadership. i.e. What does success look like in this position and how do you measure it?

Alana Henry, The Writique, LLC

Arriving 10 minutes prior to the interview, dressing professionally, displaying positive body language, and asking a few questions at the conclusion are all great things to do. “Memorable” is subjective, so the aim must be showing that you are the best candidate; that approach will make you memorable. Confidence in your abilities is also important, as unease will be evident in your body language.

Laurel Kashinn, Write Stuff Resources, LLC

Authenticity is key. That means to be aligned with your true self, with a quiet mind, calm inside, in the present moment. Able to listen and think. Authenticity can be practiced. It feels like appreciation, eagerness, and satisfaction. Lack of authenticity feels like fear, anxiety, or worry. If you’ve researched the company, know why you are interested, and are authentic, you’ll do great!

Katherine Bouglai, Blossom Career

The first thing I would recommend is to be yourself and stop trying too hard to impress them. Many people go to job interviews with one goal in mind – how to nail the interview and get an offer. They will remember and appreciate you more if you focus on company goals and challenges and how can you be of service to them. This will also take some of the pressure off you, so you will be less nervous.

Kelli Long, KG Workforce Solutions

Be prepared! Demonstrate that you have researched the company, role, and interviewer. Try to find a commonality with the interviewer. Ask good questions – ones not easily answered by reviewing the company’s website. Interviewers want to know what you can do for them – how can you solve their problems related to the job opening. If you effectively answer that, they will remember you.

Cathy Alfandre

1) As you prepare for an interview, craft 3-4 messages that you want to convey. These should include both your top “selling points” (how you add value) and your potential impact on THIS PARTICULAR organization. Practice getting these points across. 2) Tell stories that show off your best experiences and achievements. 3) Never underestimate the power of your smile, body language, and energy!

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