QUESTION: I see all these resume templates with pictures. Should my picture be on my resume?
Cheryl Minnick, University of Montana
No. Not for jobs in the US unless you would be hired for your appearance (model, TV anchor, actor) — your accomplishments, skills, education, and certifications should speak clearly, concisely for themselves. To skirt any race, age, weight, ability, gender, and/or attractiveness bias, the US EEO discourages asking for a photo in the vetting process. If you are applying outside the US, maybe …
Alana Henry, The Writique, LLC
Generally speaking, no. When you’re using a template that includes a photo, you’re opening yourself up to a few things: the likelihood that your resume isn’t ATS-friendly, and the possibility of bias from the screener. With that said, there are some industries for which a headshot may be appropriate. Those in design fields, sports coaches, and others who are very “visible”. Otherwise, skip it!
Tammeca Riley, Infinite Potential Resumes
It depends upon your profession and location. For example, the entertainment industry is known for including a headshot of the candidate on the resume. In some countries, your picture on your CV is standard practice and expected. Typically, resumes for the private-sector do not include a picture. When in doubt, do some research to make sure your approach is aligned with expectations.
Jeannine Bennett, Vision to Purpose
Some countries allow a photo on the resume; however, in the United States, adding a picture is not an accepted practice. A picture on a resume can open the door to age, race, gender, or other discriminatory practices. Also, you want the individual reviewing your resume focused on your qualifications, not your photo.
Lisa Rangel, Chameleon Resumes
Select a resume template created for the country, industry and role you seek. If you are focusing on a role doing US media appearances or located in a country outside the US, using a photo could be a sound strategic move. For most US resumes, it’s advised not to include a photo. Resume templates created by resume writers typically reflect what is customary in the creator’s country.
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