person writing on assessment papers on desk

QUESTION: It has been suggested I take a career assessment before I start my next job search. What will be the value in that?

Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes

Career assessments can help you understand your professional needs and target professions and environments that play to your strengths and interests. The more effort you put into your assessment, the more helpful it can be. Stay open-minded to the results and view it as another strategy you can use, along with informational interviewing, networking, and reading books in your field of interest.

Cheryl Minnick, University of Montana

Insight provides direction. Knowing who you are and what makes you YOU and what makes others THEM is critical for career success and workplace harmony. Career assessments tie your interests and workplace personality to careers (and academic majors) by exploring and understanding careers (and personalities) of people “like” you.

Paula Christensen, Strategic Career Coaches

Career assessments help with career exploration, resume writing, and interviewing. Assessments aid in identifying your strengths and aligning them with job targets. Understanding your unique differentiators and values helps you add touches of your personal brand to your resume and enables you to more precisely speak to your specific skills, strengths, and preferences when interviewing.

Emily Warthman, Heiro Consulting, LLC

A targeted job search tends to yield the best results. Career assessments can help you better understand yourself and see how your interests and strengths align with particular careers paths. Different assessments provide different types of insights, but results often include descriptions you can borrow from when writing your resume or answering interview questions.

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