Should I put my address on my resume?

QUESTION: Should I put my address on my resume?


Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

Remote work and relocating for jobs are both very common. Also, companies don’t need your address until they decide to hire you. Some companies use address info to eliminate candidates. For these reasons, it’s now acceptable to leave off your address.

Emily Christakis

Identity theft is rampant, so it’s a good idea to simply cite your city name, abbreviated state name and ZIP code on your resume. In this digital age, it is no longer necessary to write out your entire mailing address, which exposes you to potential identity theft as well as bias around where you live (e.g., an urban, inner city vs. an exclusive gated community).

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If you’re looking for more information on how to write a great resume – or get an expert to help you with yours – you’ve come to the right place! This site was created by the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a US-based non-profit association with members from around the world who are dedicated to learning about and providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers.

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