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QUESTION: Should I submit a resignation letter? What should it say?

Edwina Martindale

Absolutely. Your employer deserves to know you are leaving and when. You don’t want them angry when contacted by people checking references. The only REQUIRED detail is your last day of work. You might also: review your employment length and what you enjoyed about the job; explain why you are leaving (personal reasons, moving, job advancement…). It’s best to leave on good terms if possible.

Emily Warthman, Heiro Consulting, LLC

It may be required to be eligible for re-hire and it’s best not to burn bridges. Unless advised by an attorney otherwise, don’t go into detail about negative experiences. Simply state you are resigning effective a particular date. Optional additions include expressing thanks for the opportunity, stating it was a difficult decision to leave, and/or saying where you are headed next.

Anne Barnwell

A resignation letter gives official notice of your last date on the job. It should be short and respectful. Beyond the official letter, make sure you reach out to important business partners, thank them for their partnership, connect with key people on LinkedIn, and provide recommendations for team members. Some day you might benefit from those well-cultivated relationships.

Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes

Most US companies don’t require a resignation letter when you quit your job. Submitting a letter shows proper etiquette, while creating a paper trail that documents your notice on a specific date and reduces legal hiccups in processing your final paycheck and last day of benefits. Your letter should announce your resignation, specify last day of employment, and offer to help with the transition.

Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

It’s considered polite and professional to submit a resignation letter. It should be brief and concise, but not revealing or personal. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. You don’t even need to say where you are going. State you are resigning and thank the employer for the experience.

Camille Roberts, CC Career Services

It’s good etiquette to submit a professional resignation letter. It can be simple like this:
Thank you for the great opportunities this job has afforded me. Please consider this as my resignation from the__ position effective __. I have enjoyed working here and learning about __. I am happy to assist in the transition of a replacement. I wish you the best and I look forward to staying in touch.

Brenda Bernstein, The Essay Expert LLC

Yes absolutely! A resignation letter should include the amount of notice that you are giving (often 2 weeks’), your intended last day of employment, and an appreciation of the opportunities you have had while working at your current company. Do NOT include your reason for leaving or any details about your next position. Keep it short and to the point!

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