I’ve targeted a company I really want to work for, so I’m applying for multiple jobs. Is that okay? Do I have to use the same resume or should I change it each time?

QUESTION: I’ve taken a few courses toward a bachelor’s degree but didn’t finish the degree. I’ve had a long and successful career in spite of this. How should I represent this foray into higher education on my résumé?


Cathy Lanzalaco, Inspire Careers

If the courses you took toward the degree are relevant to your current career goals, you can include them in an Education section on your resume or quantify how many credits you attained. Also, list any training, certifications, and other independent learning you have completed. Presenting continuous learning demonstrates your commitment to professional development.

Nancy Grant, Regional Career & Employment Services

Many degrees become outdated not long after completion. Performing successfully is the key for continued professional growth. Many times, employers will outweigh experience for formal education. However, continued professional development is important to demonstrate you have stayed current as trends have emerged. Showing more recent industry training or certifications may prove more valuable.

Jane Roqueplot, JaneCo's Sensible Solutions

If the courses are relevant to your job target, it belongs on your resume. It can be noted as “in process” or you can simply list the courses. Just be cautious about not misleading the reader that you obtained a degree.

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