QUESTION: Should I put my education at the top or bottom of my resume?

Angela Watts, MyPro Resumes

Screeners have limited time to review your resume and are most likely to read content toward the top of the resume. Utilize this premium space to highlight the most compelling points of your value proposition, whether that’s education or something else. If education is required for the role, it will be assumed that all applicants possess this and accomplishments will deliver more interest.

Brenda Bernstein, The Essay Expert LLC

If you graduated and received a degree recently, you probably will want to put your education at the top. If it’s been 10 years or more, you probably want it at the bottom. You always want to think about what the most important thing is for an employer to know. If it’s your education, put it first. Otherwise don’t!

Rebecca Bosl, Dream Life Team

For experienced hires, I normally will put education at the bottom of the resume, unless it is an Ivy League or highly ranked school or program. For new grads, I will put the education at the top as it is more important. I only list dates if it has been five years or less. I also will selectively list GPA (more important for new grads). Honors and significant activities can be included as well.

Chelsea Wiltse, Seasoned and Growing LLC

It really depends on your career level, targeted industry, and level of experience. If you are a newer graduate with limited experience, it is acceptable to list your education towards the top. If you are a seasoned professional (10+ years), I recommend listing it towards the bottom. If you are changing careers and recently acquired a new degree, place it toward the top!

Camille Roberts, CC Career Services

For a resume, if your education is one of your strongest assets, you can mention it in your professional summary such as: Bachelor of Science in Counterterrorism. Then, of course, list it under Education. For a CV, the education usually is the first section on the CV. A better strategy is not to worry about the top or bottom, but strongest assets that relate to the job announcement at the top!

Kiersten Troutman, Second Glance Résumés

Placement depends on the position in which you are applying. If the position puts heavy focus on education, it is best to move it to the top. This would apply for positions in education especially. If you hold a particularly high degree that may separate you from your competition, say an MBA, you may want to put it at the top. Otherwise, focus on experience first, and then state your education.

Meg Applegate, Hinge Resume Collaborative

It depends! If you are a new graduate, an education section following your branding statement and key skills is appropriate. For mid-career professionals, preview your degree under your branding statement with additional credentials if a job posting states a candidate with an MBA, for example, will receive preference. This acts as a preview of your education section found further in your resume.

Lisa Hebert, LMH Advisors, Inc.

I hate to say it depends, but it does. It depends on where you are in your career and what “superpower” you are highlighting on the résumé. Fresh out of school, education would be your lead. Later in your career, education is less important than your relevant experience. However, if you are doing a career pivot, your education may be what is essential for the role.

Laureen McHugh

It depends. If you are a recent graduate or if you have completed training to make a career change, education may be positioned near the top of the résumé. You can highlight your educational experience with a relevant coursework section and/or descriptions of your significant projects or research. In most other cases, education will work best at the end of your résumé.

Julia Mattern, Julia Mattern Career Services, LLC

The placement of education on a resume depends on how recent it is and whether it is relevant to your job target. If you are a recent graduate and your education is your primary qualification, put it at the top of your resume, following your professional summary. If your education is not recent or relevant to your target position, put it at the bottom, after your professional experience.

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