a close up picture of an address book

QUESTION:​ What kind of contact information goes into the header? Should I include a fax? Both cell and landline phone? LinkedIn address? Physical address? This is so confusing.

Mill Montejo, The Talent Mill | Job Search Superhero | Dr Mill Computer Wiz

Including a fax number could date you and put you at risk of experiencing ageism which unfortunately does happen. Younger people also do not usually maintain a landline. Due to privacy concerns modern résumés do not include a physical address other than a city and state where the candidate lives. A LinkedIn URL and cell number are the best ways for recruiters to see your skills and reach out.

Cheryl Minnick, University of Montana

Your name (on transcript and IRS records for background checks) should capture attention in the largest font. Include one phone number (one YOU answer) and your city/state (‘Relocating to Denver, CO’ if relocating). Omit fax and street (email took their place). If appropriate, include yourLinkedIn and blog/portfolio links. Be consistent, if you abbreviate state in a header, abbreviate throughout.

Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

Include the essential means for employers to research and contact you: name; location (generally, just the city and state, as street address is no longer considered essential); one phone number at which you can (almost) always be reached; a modern email domain; and your LinkedIn URL. If relevant, add the URL for your professional or portfolio website. Takes up two or three lines; looks great.

Alana Henry, The Writique, LLC

You’re right — it can be confusing! The contact info needed has changed as society has evolved. Fax won’t be needed, and only your city and state will be needed for a physical address. It is also best practice to include an email address and one phone number. Definitely choose one for which you are most accessible. Lastly, include your LinkedIn URL.

Georgia Adamson, A Successful Career

Most important is that the header correctly identifies you, your general location, and the best method(s) for employers to contact you. That means you should have at least your name, city/state/ZIP, and a personal phone number where employers can reach you or leave a voicemail message safely. You can include your email, but most employers would call. Fax is mainly outdated these days.

Meg McCormick

Nowadays, the best practice is to include your city and state (without your street address), one personal phone number (we assume it’s your mobile phone), and one personal email address that you check regularly. Adding your LinkedIn URL is a bonus, but do so only if your profile is current and you have customized your URL to remove the random letters/numbers at the end.

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