globe with mortarboard and diploma

QUESTION:  I’ll have my bachelor’s degree in May; isn’t that enough to get a good job?

Erin Kennedy, Professional Resume Services, Inc.

Not always, especially if you have a broad degree. Consider an internship that will offer you hands-on experience. Offer to work for free (if possible) as an intern if it’s at a company you REALLY want to work for. Having a little experience under your belt will help you land a job much quicker.

Edward Lawrence, Getstarted LLC

No, it’s not enough. About 3.7 million students will graduate from college in 2021, not including graduate schools. A diploma shows you can study; you must still convey what you have accomplished, what you offer, and how you differ from the other 4 million graduates. Use your college career center; establish rapport with corporate recruiters; show your passion for the company and the role.

Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes

Degrees are a requirement for many jobs, but they are not an automatic guarantee you will get a job. Employers have seen plenty of degrees. They want to know how capable you are. Use your resume to highlight relevant achievements and soft skills acquired from your academic projects, internships, full-/part-time work, and volunteer experiences that will translate into future success.

Laura Smith-Proulx, An Expert Resume

A solid job requires a mix of natural strengths, education, experience, and passion, so start collecting examples of the other 3 qualities from your past. Show how basic work experience from a part-time job gave you insight into business needs. Document your passion for your field and show how this plays into your natural strengths. Feature this data on your resume and note it in interviews.

Edwina Martindale

It’s a good start! However, many graduates will already have experience: internships, volunteer work, hobby experiences relevant to the job they are pursuing, summer work showing motivation, character, relevant skills…. Your bachelor’s degree is a huge step towards your career, but on a resume it means “meets minimum qualifications.” Add more to put yourself into the “to be considered” category!

Cherie Heid, Competitive Edge Resume Service

A Bachelor’s degree will definitely help you get a good job, but it is only one of the many things employers look for when screening resumes to identify qualified candidates. A professionally written resume is your competitive edge in your search for the right job, as you need to sell your strengths and accomplishments on the resume to get the interview.

Brenda Bernstein, The Essay Expert LLC

A degree does not distinguish you from the hundreds of thousands of other new graduates in your area or industry. You still must have a compelling resume, preferably with relevant experience in your field. And you must learn how to conduct an effective job search, including interviewing skills. Employers want to see that you are working hard now as an indication that you will work hard for them.

Cheryl Minnick, University of Montana

A job maybe, a career probably not. A bachelor’s degree carries you to the door to knock, but it’s experience, credentials, networking, a tailored resume, and a solid personal brand that opens the door – a solid interview focused on the employer and the role invites you in.

Kelly Donovan, Kelly Donovan & Associates

The job market is very competitive right now. You’ll be competing against your fellow graduates for opportunities, so your degree alone won’t differentiate you. You need to market yourself effectively through your resume, LinkedIn profile, and interview answers. Stand out by showcasing how you will bring value to an employer beyond simply performing your assigned job duties.

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If you’re looking for more information on how to write a great resume – or get an expert to help you with yours – you’ve come to the right place! This site was created by the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a US-based non-profit association with members from around the world who are dedicated to learning about and providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers.

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