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Your questions answered

Second chance at an interview?

Second chance at an interview?

QUESTION: I'm trying to interview for a job I tried and failed to get before. How do I handle a second chance?  Address the elephant in the room about this being your second time around and let them know you're known for your perseverance and that you've heeded...

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Transforming your Resume (and getting more calls)!

Transforming your Resume (and getting more calls)!

QUESTION: How do I turn a good resume into a great resume?  A great resume is like a movie trailer. Compared to the movie of your life, it is brief; demonstrates action and passion; includes only the best stuff; and doesn’t try to explain everything. It looks...

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How do I apply for a job in a different state?

How do I apply for a job in a different state?

QUESTION: Will applying for a job in a different state hurt my chances for hire? What should I do differently from local applications?  This can be tricky. However, not impossible. Start by enabling your targeted areas in your LinkedIn and Indeed accounts. If you...

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When do I update my Resume and LinkedIn Profile?

When do I update my Resume and LinkedIn Profile?

QUESTION: I left my last job 6 months ago. How long do I have before I have to update my LinkedIn profile and my resume?  Ultimately, the best career and job readiness plan is to keep both the resume and LinkedIn profile updated at all times to reflect current...

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When do I follow up on a resume submission?

When do I follow up on a resume submission?

QUESTION: What do I do if I don't hear back from an employer within, say, 10 days after submitting a resume? Should I call, email, write...?  If you have done your homework on the company, you will have the names and email addresses of highly placed managers at...

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The BEST Time to Job Search

The BEST Time to Job Search

QUESTION: When is the best time of the year to job search? And, does it matter when you submit the resume – as soon as it is posted or just before the close date?  The best time is when you're fully prepared to transition with updated resumes and LinkedIn, and...

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Platforms for Attracting Recruiters in Your Job Search

Platforms for Attracting Recruiters in Your Job Search

QUESTION: I know that LinkedIn is a great social media tool for job searching, but are there other platforms that might be practical to attract recruiters?  LinkedIn is increasingly seen as a primary tool for jobseekers. Most users who are pursuing new job...

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Tattoos, Piercings, and the Job Search

Tattoos, Piercings, and the Job Search

QUESTION: As I job search, how concerned must I be about having tattoos and piercings in today’s market? Should I hide them or present myself as who I am?  If you want to work for a company that values you and your skillset, look for a company that also values...

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How do I present my new MBA on my resume?

How do I present my new MBA on my resume?

QUESTION: I will have my MBA completed shortly and want to start now to leverage the degree for a higher-level position with significantly higher pay. How do I present this on my resume?   Absolutely! I recommend this as a best practice if you are within 12...

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Matching 100% of Job Requirements

Matching 100% of Job Requirements

QUESTION: When I read job announcements, I often see that I’m missing one or more job requirements, but I know I can do the job. Should I apply anyway?  Give it your best shot—IF you really want that job and know you can perform to goals. Highlight the...

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Ask a Question

Do you have questions about writing your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or about the job searching process? Ask us your question and it may be selected as the topic of our next blog post, with answers compiled from the advice of NRWA members.
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What a Professional Resume Writer Can Do for You

Whether you are a new college graduate, career changer, career professional, or executive, or you have a challenging career path – you want to stand out from the competition by showcasing your unique skills, accomplishments, and value. We partner with job seekers and professionals like you to provide cutting-edge resources and strategies for your job search and career needs.

The National Résumé Writers' Association

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Morton Grove, IL 60053 

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