French Riviera coastline

QUESTION: Any tips for applying for a job overseas?

Kate Williamson, Scientech Resumes

Employers rarely pursue candidates outside the country unless there’s a specific skill shortage. Leave your home address and phone number off the resume. Include the closest city and zip code to the job and invest in a Google Voice or Skype number, local to the country of relocation that connects to your phone. Provide relocation details in your cover letter and build connections abroad.

Camille Roberts, CC Career Services

Know where to look. Understand the local lingo. Be in the know with news of the area/company. Understand the job culture. You may be required to submit a curriculum vitae (CV) rather than a US-style resume. The CV includes some private information such as your health status, a photo, marriage status, and other categories that are outlawed in the United States. Be prepared for a different process.

Ruth Pankratz, Gabby Communication

Explore transfer options within your organization. Foreign language skills are important. Research the international job market. Learn country etiquette/customs. Use social media to expand networks and boost visibility. Localize resume and cover letter content. An international move is substantial, so highlight talents showing why you are a perfect candidate. Refine video/phone interview skills.

Grant Cooper, Strategic Resumes & Business Plans

If you have the address of someone “in country,” add it (with permission) alongside your U.S. address. In a cover letter, describe travel, commerce, or prior job experience you may have had with the targeted country. Even if you have not visited, show any knowledge you possess of the country’s culture and language. Detail your ability to navigate the immigration and relevant foreign work laws.

Laura Smith-Proulx, An Expert Resume

First, identify overseas employers overseas hiring in your field, then build relationships on LinkedIn to let them know of your interest. Research differences in how these overseas companies operate to aid in your interviews. Contact any local offices, plus the overseas site, to apply for jobs. Tailor your resume appropriately; for example, resumes in Europe often use a photo and A4 paper size.

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